Reflecting on the Astounding Achievements of Our Girls and Those Who Have Helped
The love that the young women of the TWII Foundation have for each other is infectious. This International Womens Day and Womens Herstory Month we reflect on their remarkable bond, astounding achievements and the people who helped!
Please join me in congratulating a few of our students on the following:
🏿Linda for achieving straight A's last semester @universityofcapecoast
🏾Hamida and 🏿Yasmin for consistently doingwell across every academic semester @universityofcapecoastAnd @universityofghana
🏿Florence for being the most supportive to her fellow sisters this year! (Our most important award)
🏾Christina and 🏿Christiana for being our two newest graduates - the first girls in their family!
And a special thanks to TWII coordinator Lily Morkli - and our two newest graduates - for surprising founder, Sally Nuamah, with gifts at the end of the year ceremony!
Another special thanks to TWII Coordinator, Lily Morkli.
The work of the TWII Foundation would be impossible without the leadership of our coordinator, Lily Morkli. She was our very first graduate in 2016 and has played a critical role in every single student selected for the scholarship since. We are so grateful for her service! We love you, Lily.