Spotlight: Hamid Saeed Mohammed Graduates First Class Honors - In her own words, she explains
I am glad I made it through college specifically University of Cape Coast. It had never been easy, the stress, dawn and unannounced quizzes, presentations and the normal college stress.
Combining academic work and leadership was not easy. With my third year being demanding and me being the Association of Economics Students' Vice President. I had to serve the association without forgetting my books. This was when I realized I could study better during the night and I made good use of it. At times I missed classes but I made sure I cover each pothole before the next class. Final year was quite stressful, with project work and COVID -19 making me a bit reluctant to study but I pushed up and work harder. At a point in time I wanted to give up because studies was draining me and it was hard learning and not getting the results I expected. But there was one thing that kept me going, the hope of changing the story back home. I wanted my people to know that female education is necessary and every girl must be entitled to that. I wanted to change the narrative, that as muslim girls, we can also get college education and I wanted to be an example for the people in my community.I would like to say a big thank you to Almighty God for making it a success, Herstory, the Twii foundation for seeing me through, my parents, lecturers, colleagues and friends who aided me in achieving this success.I hope and pray it becomes a stepping stone for more achievements in the future.Thank you.