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The Perfect GPA: Linda Appiah

The TWII Girls continue to stand out in academic and leadership. Our girls average a 3.5 GPA!! This month we want to spotlight our emergency fund scholar, Linda Appiah, who scored a perfect GPA for a second semester in a row, while running for Hall Treasurer at the University of Cape Coast and winning! Last year, Linda won two awards for her academic excellence in Business Finance.

Read more about Her Story Below in Linda's Words:

The breakdown of my mum's finances was one of my biggest challenges especially during my senior high school education. A friend of hers took up the responsibility to take care of my secondary education until my final year when he also started to face some financial problems. During my final year, my mum had to borrow some money from our church and sell some of her material clothes in order pay for the remaining fees in my final year. So for my WASSCE registration fees, I used my savings which I had been saving for three years to pay for my registration fees in order to complete my senior high school education. After senior high school, I started working as a pupil teacher earning a monthly income of GH100.00. In addition, after the close of the teaching job, I also worked in a provisions shop and earned GH150 and that was from 3pm to 11 pm. I had been combining two jobs at a time for three months whilst looking for a new job offer. I kept on saving most of the monies earned to pursue a future degree. After three months in this same routine, I had the chance to work with Eddy’s Pizza for two months but my boss as at the time showed interest in me which made me stop the job to look for a different opportunity. In life I never give up. In a week's time I had a new job offer at Yoo Mart to work as cashier and I worked there for a year and half where I was awarded the best cashier for the year and also the best employee for four months.

God being so good I was able to raise some money (roughly GH5, 000) that was enough for my first year in college education and with determination at the tertiary level, I had a GPA of 3.843 in the first semester of the first academic year at University of Cape Coast. Thereafter, I met AKF which introduced me to Ms. Sally Nuamah and the TWII Foundation. I interviewed for a scholarship and found out I was awarded. From this point forward, I do no thave to worry about my education and I have the freedom to do well academically and to take on leadership.

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